Cambridge CEM hosts researchED event to share best practice with educators

Tom Bennett, founder and director of researchED, speaking at the event

Dispelling myths

Cambridge CEM - Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring - hosted a highly anticipated in-person event in late April led by education organisation researchED, to bridge the gap between research and practice in education.

The event, hosted at Cambridge's global headquarters, brought together over 200 educators, teachers, researchers and policymakers from around the world for a day of insightful discussions and engaging presentations, exploring the latest education research and exchanging ideas that will shape the future of teaching and learning.

Among the well known speakers were:

•         Tim Oates CBE, Group Director, Assessment Research and Development at Cambridge University Press & Assessment
•         Daisy Christodoulou, Director of Education at No More Marking
•         Tom Bennett, DfE Behaviour Advisor and founder of researchED
•         Charles Clarke, former Education Secretary
•         Alex Quigley, former English teacher and author of several books on education

Presentations ranged from the future of assessment and personalised learning, to ways of teaching AI and machine learning; from best practice in teaching to what to expect for the education sector at the next general election.

Daisy Christodoulou presenting at Cambridge's researchED event.

Daisy Christodoulou presenting at Cambridge's researchED event.

Daisy Christodoulou presenting at Cambridge's researchED event.

Daisy Christodoulou’s talk on why tech projects fail drew a packed audience. An author and educator, Christodoulou is interested in the intersection of technology and education, and passionate about bringing fairer and more effective modes of assessment into the classroom. She unites these in her work as the Director of Education at No More Marking, a provider of online Comparative Judgement software for schools.

Former Education Secretary Charles Clarke presenting at Cambridge's researchED event.

Former Education Secretary Charles Clarke presenting at Cambridge's researchED event.

Former Education Secretary Charles Clarke presenting at Cambridge's researchED event.

There was also a full house for former Education Secretary Charles Clarke’s talk. Clarke is chairing a review for OCR into key parts of secondary education in England for 11-16 year olds. OCR is consulting hundreds of schools, colleges, teachers, students and experts to develop a series of actionable recommendations.

Tim Oates, Group Director of Research at Cambridge University Press & Assessment, gave a talk on personalised learning. He said: “It’s great to see so many educators coming together to discuss core issues and pressing problems – all through the lens of research and evidence. researchED continues to play a key role in developing evidence-informed policy and practice. Alongside the Education Endowment Foundation, it provides vital support for teachers and schools in improving equity and attainment.

“The link between evidence and practice is one we need constantly to renew and develop. At Cambridge, we help by publishing original research across a wide range of fields in over 400 journals from Cambridge University Press. But we need researchED and others to bridge between that research and practice in schools. Producing high quality research is essential, but translating that into sound policy and practice is a huge task again – and it’s great to work closely together to get that in place.”

Tom Bennett, Founder and Director of researchED, gave a talk on the need for evidence and research to inform teaching. He said: “We want to raise the research literacy of educators, in order for them to possess the critical skills necessary to challenge and understand the quality of research they encounter.

“At researchED events, we seek to dispel myths and poor research that misguides teachers. We also aim to connect people throughout the education sector so they can share knowledge and help develop themselves and others into better educators, for the sake of children across the country.”

Tim Oates, Group Director of Research at Cambridge University Press & Assessment

Tim Oates, Group Director of Research at Cambridge University Press & Assessment

Tim Oates, Group Director of Research at Cambridge University Press & Assessment

Tom Bennett, Founder and Director of researchED

Tom Bennett, Founder and Director of researchED

Tom Bennett, Founder and Director of researchED

The day finished with a panel discussion entitled Where do we go from here?, in which panellists reflected on the last decade of change and discussed the future of education, detailing what might lie ahead in terms of political change, technological developments, and teacher retention and recruitment.

Attendees’ feedback

·       “Brain's buzzing from #rEDCam24 already. Already added another layer to my PD assessment cycle crusade after Tim Oates on personalised learning. Blummin brilliant.”
·       “Great to be at researchED in Cambridge today and hear lots of great talks, especially from the estimable Tom Bennett and Daisy Christodoulou - thanks to everyone who made it such a fascinating day.”
·       “A really excellent day at researchED in Cambridge. High quality, informative and thought provoking sessions on a range of pertinent topics (plus an amazing venue and lunch!) Thank you for organising and hosting, Cambridge University Press & Assessment.”

View the full list of sessions and speakers